How To Become a Section 8 Landlord
If you are interested in learning more about becoming a Section 8 landlord with Greene Metropolitan Housing Authority (GMHA), download the Prospective Landlord packet under the Section 8 Forms tab. Contact (937) 352-0256 if you have additional questions after reviewing the packet.
There are very few differences between the Section 8 participant and the private market renter. Landlords may use standard procedures as permitted by law to screen Section 8 applicants. GHMA encourages landlords with property outside of lower-income neighborhoods to participate in the Section 8 Program.
Click the form or forms below to download and print. Then mail or stop by our office to get your process started.
Landlord Forms
Download & Complete the landlord forms listed here.
Affidavit of Property Ownership
Direct Deposit Authorization Form
Landlord Change
Landlord Change of Address
Prospective Landlord Packet
Unit Amenities and Information
How To Prepare For Your Annual Greene Metropolitan Housing Inspection
- Do all the doors close/latch properly? (This includes sliding closet doors.)
- Are doors weather-stripped and airtight?
- Are my kitchen sink, bathroom sink(s), and tub(s) all free of leaks, drips, etc.?
- Do all the windows have screens? And are they free of holes and tears? (Note: windows that do not open do not have to have screens)
- Do all the windows close properly? Do all the windows lock that are 6 feet from the ground, or are accessible from a fire escape?
- Is there a smoke detector on every floor (including the basement)?
- Do all smoke detectors have batteries and are they in working order?
- Do all electrical outlets and light switches have covers?
- Do all the light switches and electrical outlets work?
- Are your floors free of “trip hazards” (tears, holes, loose edges, etc.)?
- Are there missing or broken handrails and or steps on interior and exterior stairs?
- Is there ventilation in the bathrooms? (There must be an operable window, a power vent, or a gravity vent.)
- Are there missing circuit breakers, open slots in electrical panels, or missing covers on the electrical box and/or water heater?
- Are the toilets loose, broken, or clogged? Are the toilet bolts or flange covers on?
- Are there holes in the interior or exterior walls that need to be repaired?
- Are there expired fire extinguishers, elevators, or broiler certificates that need to be updated?
- Do all burners and oven elements work on the stove?
- Does the refrigerator seal properly? Does the refrigerator leak? Does it cool to the appropriate temperature?
- Is there an infestation of pests such as mice, rats, fleas, roaches, bedbugs, etc. that need to be treated?
- Is there proper fire egress?
- Are there hanging electrical wires that need to be properly repaired?
- Is there excessive trash and debris on or around the exterior grounds of the property?

If you answered “no” to any of these questions please correct the problem or contact your landlord so he/she can correct the problem before the inspection date, if possible.
Note: These are not the only requirements the units must meet to pass the inspection process! This list represents only what the inspectors have determined are the most common reasons the units may fail an inspection.
It is important for landlords and clients to return the self-certification on all failed inspections, once the repairs are made, to avoid abatement or termination of assistance. All self-certifications are emailed to the landlord along with the failed inspection.